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Intro to AWS and Cloud Computing Level 1

This is an 80 % hands-on course. During the course, you will be provided with a prepaid AWS account. After the course, we will provide you with access to the learning materials and tools in Github that let you replicate the services you have created in class.

Intro to AWS and Cloud Computing Level 1 copy: Services


Teacher: Andres Namm

Target Audience

Developers and technical experts who want to get to know more about AWS through a hands on workshop.


  • General programming and technical skills

  • General knowledge about networking

  • General knowledge about security and authentication

Description and Delivery

This is an 80 % hands-on course. During the course, you will be provided with a prepaid AWS account. After the course, we will provide you with access to the learning materials and tools in Github that let you replicate the services you have created in class.


  • Cloud Intro - why should you learn it ?

  • AWS general introduction

    • We will dive into the architectural components of AWS and look a how AWS operates on a bird eye view

  • AWS CLI, AWS web console and AWS SDK

    • We will walk through ways to interact with AWS

  • AWS Virtual Machines with EC2, AWS and load balancing

    • We will go through the process of deploying a Virtual Machine and a service on top of it

  • AWS Networking with VPCs, Subnets and general Networking process

    • We will try out different networking scenarios with the VM we just created

  • AWS Storage 1 with S3, EBS

    • We will create a separate S3 account that the VM could later use to store configuration and data.

  • AWS Identity and Access Management

    • We will give the VM the right to access the S3 account

  • AWS infrastructure as code with Terraform

    • We will show you how infrastucture as code could make the deployment of you whole infrastucture consistent and fast.

  • AWS Databases with RDS

    • We will configure a database in AWS that the VM could use.

  • AWS Serverless functions with Lambdas

    • AWS Lambda is a serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any type of application or backend service without

  • AWS and Docker

    • We will show you how you could manage your Docker containers on cloud without worrying about servers.


After completing this course you will be able to independently go in depth in different AWS services.

Intro to AWS and Cloud Computing Level 1 copy: Text


If you have any questions call +37253426004

Thanks for reaching out. We’ll get back to you soon.

Intro to AWS and Cloud Computing Level 1 copy: Support
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